
Waiting for the soul

Time and again I read about natives who used to sit next to the supposedly fast means of transport after a journey by car or train to wait for their souls. Obviously, matter can be moved quickly, but in our opinion the mode of transport is being reduced to absurdity with this approach. What do these stories tell us about technological developments in companies? Behind almost every new technology is the desire for a faster and thus better handling of business processes.

In Ayurveda, it is assumed that today's working environment is strongly influenced by Vata. It's important to understand that Vata properties are cool, dry, light, permeable, and fast, and that it influences all the processes of movement in our body. If Vata takes over because a balance no longer takes place, the mind can no longer rest. In the long term, this may result in typical Vata disorders such as nervousness, sleep disorders, constipation, mental illness, rheumatism or arthritis. Any kind of fast movement, which also causes technology, leads to Ayurveda, if these are not balanced to the above-mentioned problems.

 Breaks in which the soul is being waited are probably just as important today as they used to be.